Emotipod: Arts & Emotions
Aimed at anyone who loves any kind of art form, in this series of conversations with brilliant guest creatives from many different genres, host Frances Butt explores the countless emotional and mental health benefits of the arts. After all, life without them wouldn't be much of a life at all...
Emotipod: Arts & Emotions
Frances Butt
Season 2
Episode 14
Many artists succumb to envy - some to the point of feeling demotivated and pessimistic about their own creative output. But can it be a positive thing?
Host Frances Butt and guests discuss experiences and opinions about envy.
Lisa Jones psychotherapist
Oliver Lee, copywriter & Alexander Technique teacher
Victoria Firth, performer, theatre maker, director
Amos Childs, music producer
Sparky's Magic Piano
The Thinking Toolbox
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